Our Story...


Thanks for checking out BottleCapLove.com!

In 2005, the collecting of bottle caps started after seeing a mosaic of a sports team that had been constructed out of UPcycled bottle caps at a neighbors house. 

After a few years of collecting, and scrounging around for caps wherever they might be found, I finally created a table topper out of the caps.

Finishing the table was a great feeling but I quickly realized that I had thousands of caps left over, and it also lit a fire in my mind to create again using these caps!

After finishing my first large mosaic project, I had the realization that if I permanently fixed the caps in place, that this would likely be the last bottle cap project I would do due to a lack of caps. Basically, I would become a painter with no paint.

So, yes, I take apart every piece I make. Although it breaks my heart a little every time, it is also a good practice in impermanence, like a sand mandala kinda, hehe.

Over the years, I have slowly made mosaics as a hobby/side project but have finally decided to focus more of my energy towards creating and sharing my art.

Fast forward to the present and I am still always collecting caps and collecting inspiration for new projects!

Thank you so much for your interest! Spread the LOVE!